- Parents: Joachim and Anne
- Joachim, a devout and honorable man, from the lineage of David
- Anne, a righteous and pious woman
- Mary, also known as Miriam in Hebrew, chosen by God for a divine purpose
- Mary's lineage traced back to King David, fulfilling the Messianic prophecies
- Mary, a central figure in the New Testament, particularly in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke
- Revered as the "Theotokos" or "God-bearer" in Christian theology
- Known for:
- her humility
- her purity
- her unwavering faith in God's plan
- The angel Gabriel visited Mary, announcing that she would conceive by the Holy Spirit
- Mary's response: "Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word" (Luke 1:38)
- Mary's role in the Incarnation, as she bore the Savior of humanity in her womb
- Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth, who prophetically recognizes her blessed status
- The Magnificat, Mary's hymn of praise and gratitude to God (Luke 1:46-55)
- Mary's journey to Bethlehem with Joseph, where Jesus is born in a manger
- The shepherds and wise men acknowledge the significance of Mary's child
- Mary's pondering of events surrounding Jesus in her heart (Luke 2:19)
- Mary's presence at key moments in Jesus' life, including the Wedding at Cana
- Jesus' words from the cross, entrusting Mary to the care of the Apostle John (John 19:26-27)
- Mary's presence with the disciples in the Upper Room after Jesus' ascension
- Mary is a figure of prayer and intercession in the Christian tradition
- The Assumption of Mary, commemorating her being taken up into heaven
- Honored with titles such as:
- "Our Lady"
- "Mother of God"
- "Queen of Heaven"
- Mary, is a symbol of:
- motherly love
- compassion
- strength in Christian devotion
- The Rosary, a Christian devotion that reflects on key moments in Mary's life