3 aspects of Christianity:

  1. Belief in God the Father
  2. Jesus Christ - the Son of God
  3. The Holy Spirit


  1. Forgiveness through Repentance:
  2. Atonement through Christ:
  3. God's Mercy and Grace:
  4. Forgiving Others:
  5. Renewal through the Holy Spirit:

Types of Teachings

  1. Imitating Christ: This concept, found in various Christian denominations, emphasizes the imitation of the life, character, and teachings of Jesus Christ. It encourages believers to follow the moral and ethical example set by Jesus in the Gospels.
  2. Moral Exemplarism: This perspective focuses on viewing Jesus Christ as a moral exemplar, someone whose life and actions serve as a model for ethical conduct. It suggests that Christians should strive to emulate the virtues and values demonstrated by Jesus in their own lives.
  3. Discipleship: The call to discipleship in Christianity involves following Jesus, learning from his teachings, and embodying the principles of love, compassion, and service. Discipleship is a way of living out the Christian faith in daily life.
  4. New Testament Teachings: Christians often turn to the New Testament, particularly the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), as a source of guidance and inspiration. Jesus' words and actions in the Gospels serve as a foundation for Christian beliefs and practices.
  5. Lives of Saints: While not universally accepted in all Christian denominations, some traditions place importance on the lives of saints as examples of faithful living. These individuals are often considered exemplars of Christian virtues and are venerated for their dedication to God.

The 10 Commandments

You shall have no other gods before me.